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To fulfill the development and humanitarian needs of the local community in Kachin State, Pyoe Organization regularly formulate program strategies and implement project plans.

Pyoe’s Strategy is rooted in the Organizations’ vision, mission and core value. Pyoe believes this strategy needs to be viewed and ratified as a social intervention that restores the dignity of human beings, instead of purely deliver humble humanitarian and development aids to the needy. We work with those faced with human indignity or emergency and provide material support and knowledge to their commitment to securing or restoring their dignity and their rights. The drivers of this strategy are our core value of Full respect and support of People’s culture & identity, justice and peace, commitment, and equality.

Programs And Projects

Strategic Delivery Objectives (SDO)- External

Goal 1: Protection

Child, women and girl in conflict effected target community are protect from physical, mental protection risk and concern.

Goal 2: Food Security

Target communities improved sustainable food security and livelihood practices and systematic use of local resource.

Goal 3: Community Empowerment

Improved community-based organization (CBOs) capacity in problem solving and collective decision making that enable them to mobilize and strengthen their respective communities to live unity in diversity with better social cohesion.

Strategic Organizational Objectives (SOO)- Internal

Goal 4: Organizational governance

Pyoe Development Organization’s governing body provides direction, maintains independent oversight of the management and ensures effective strategic planning takes place. The governing body also runs surveillance in finding and securing resources for the organization, carry out public relations and lobby government and authorities for effective policy development or reform.

Goal 5: Fundraising & Organizational sustainability

Pyoe Development Organization’s financial sustainability goal for this strategic phase is to develop and maintain a good fundraising and new business development plan that is regularly updated and well implemented ensuring sufficient funds secured for existint and new program of the upcoming year(s).

Goal 6: Policies and procedure development

Pyoe Development Organization policies and procedures are written and that support operational needs across Human Resource Development, Financial management & Control, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Gender, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud. The organization structure is in line with our mission, goals, and programs and has systems in place to ensure coordination among departments and functions to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

4 years org: strategic paper ( 2022 - 2024 )

4 years org: strategic paper ( 2022 - 2024 )

Published on 2024

Published on 2024

4 years org: strategic paper ( 2022 - 2024 )

Published on 2024

Our Partnership

The Pyoe organization works as partners with local and International NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and develops community development and humanitarian activities that are consistent with the Organization strategic goals.

(2022 - 2023) Year

Partners (2022-2023)

Finn Church Aid (FCA)

International Rescue Council (IRC)

Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

Development Alternatives
Incoporated (DAI)

NamShani Social
Development Organization

Htoi San
Local Development Organization

Alive Marketing Agency

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